FULL REPORT - 27 Incidents, 15 Arrests
FULL REPORT - 52 Incidents, 16 Arrests
FULL REPORT - 43 Incidents, 16 Arrests
South Lake Tahoe Resident Sentenced for Impersonating Federal Officers
El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson to Feature as Elite Guest Trainer in 'Beyond Bulletproof'
Sheriff’s Office Logs 44 Incidents on February 5, Including Suspicious Activity and Civil Disputes
Jason Robinette Found Guilty of Setting Mosquito and Crozier Fires
Former After-School Program Coordinator Accused of Reselling iPads, MacBooks, and GoPros for Personal Profit
© 2023 Placerville Newswire Commentary is produced by the Placerville Newswire, a private service focusing on Placerville Local Area issues. All conclusions expressed in this publication should be understood to be solely those of the author(s). You may find us in El Dorado County Placerville, CA 95667
© 2023 Placerville Newswire Commentary is produced by the Placerville Newswire, a private service focusing on Placerville Local Area issues. All conclusions expressed in this publication should be understood to be solely those of the author(s). You may find us in El Dorado County Placerville, CA 95667